Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Αρμόδιο Υπουργείο για θέματα που άπτονται της δημόσιας υγείας.

Κάλυψη Δεδομένων

Κατανομή Περιπτώσεων COVID-19 κατά τη Διάγνωση, ανά Συχνά Αναφερόμενα Συμπτώματα

Αξιολόγηση Συνόλου Δεδομένων

Δεν έχει υποβληθεί καμία ψήφος μέχρι στιγμής

Κατανομή περιπτώσεων COVID-19 ανά συχνά αναφερόμενα συμπτώματα που δηλώθηκαν κατά τη διάγνωση, όπως αυτή δημοσιεύεται στις Εθνικές Αναφορές για την Νόσο του Κορωνοϊού στην Κύπρο.

Στο σύνολο δεδομένων περιλαμβάνονται τα εργαστηριακά επιβεβαιωμένα περιστατικά COVID-19, για τα οποία υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες κλινικές πληροφορίες.

Το σύνολο δεδομένων περιλαμάνονται τα πιο κάτω πεδία:

  • Ημερομηνία Εθνικής Αναφοράς
  • Σύμπτωμα
  • Αριθμός περιπτώσεων για τις οποίες υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες πληροφορίες
  • Αριθμός περιπτώσεων όπου αναφέρθηκε παρουσία του συμπτώματος
  • Ποσοστό περιπτώσεων όπου αναφέρθηκε παρουσία του συμπτώματος

1.  Tα δεδομένα συγκεντρώνονται και αναρτώνται από την Ομάδα Ανοικτών Δεδομένων.
2. Τα επιδημιολογικά δεδομένα υπόκεινται σε αλλαγές εξαιτίας της ταχέως εξελισσόμενης κατάστασης

Πηγή: Εβδομαδιαίες και δεκαπενθήμερες Εθνικές Αναφορές για την Νόσο του Κορωνοϊού (COVID-19) στην Κύπρο, οι οποίες δημοσιεύονται από την Μονάδα Επιδημιολογικής Επιτήρησης του Υπουργείου Υγείας.

Δεδομένα και Πόροι

Previewing 50 records. If you prefer to preview all available data for this resource, please download the CSV resource.
Date Symptoms Information_Available(N) Presence_of_Symptom(N) Presence_of_Symptom(%) Notes
14/4/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 665 491 73.8
14/4/2020 Βήχας 639 232 36.3 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
14/4/2020 Πυρετός 625 261 41.8 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
14/4/2020 Μυαλγία 636 171 26.9 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
14/4/2020 Πονόλαιμος 634 129 20.3 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
14/4/2020 Ανοσμίας 470 92 19.6 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
14/4/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 470 97 20.6 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
21/4/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 752 541 71.9
21/4/2020 Βήχας 737 250 33.9 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
21/4/2020 Πυρετός 726 283 39.0 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
21/4/2020 Μυαλγία 734 182 24.8 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
21/4/2020 Πονόλαιμος 733 140 19.1 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
21/4/2020 Ανοσμίας 591 101 17.1 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
21/4/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 790 102 12.9 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
28/4/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 823 580 70.5
28/4/2020 Βήχας 808 270 33.4 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
28/4/2020 Πυρετός 799 299 37.4 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
28/4/2020 Μυαλγία 806 192 23.8 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
28/4/2020 Πονόλαιμος 804 152 18.9 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
28/4/2020 Ανοσμίας 712 105 14.7 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
28/4/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 790 104 13.2 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
5/5/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 864 595 68.9
5/5/2020 Βήχας 852 276 32.4 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
5/5/2020 Πυρετός 854 304 35.6 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
5/5/2020 Μυαλγία 851 192 22.6 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
5/5/2020 Πονόλαιμος 849 154 18.1 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
5/5/2020 Ανοσμίας 759 107 14.1 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
5/5/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 836 104 12.4 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
12/5/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 890 610 68.5
12/5/2020 Βήχας 878 284 32.3 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
12/5/2020 Πυρετός 879 308 35.0 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
12/5/2020 Μυαλγία 878 199 22.7 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
12/5/2020 Πονόλαιμος 877 156 17.8 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
12/5/2020 Ανοσμίας 787 107 13.6 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
12/5/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 862 105 12.2 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
19/5/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 904 618 68.4
19/5/2020 Βήχας 891 289 32.4 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
19/5/2020 Πυρετός 892 309 34.6 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
19/5/2020 Μυαλγία 890 200 22.5 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
19/5/2020 Πονόλαιμος 888 157 17.7 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
19/5/2020 Ανοσμίας 800 108 13.5 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
19/5/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 875 105 12.0 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
26/5/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 925 624 67.5
26/5/2020 Βήχας 912 294 32.2 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
26/5/2020 Πυρετός 913 312 34.2 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
26/5/2020 Μυαλγία 911 201 22.1 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
26/5/2020 Πονόλαιμος 909 157 17.3 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
26/5/2020 Ανοσμίας 821 108 13.2 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
26/5/2020 Δυσκολία στην Αναπνοή 896 106 11.8 The presence of syptoms refers to all cases
2/6/2020 Συμπτωματα κατά τη Διάγνωση (Ναι) 938 627 66.8
Field Value
Organization Υπουργείο Υγείας
Release Date
POLYGON ((33.933752775192 35.115801463238, 33.882254362106 35.090522396913, 33.837622404099 35.06804553538, 33.786123991013 35.051183825995, 33.741492033005 35.045562482396, 33.700293302536 35.039940751942, 33.714026212692 35.070855481702, 33.676260709763 35.039940751942, 33.641928434372 35.037129741653, 33.607596158981 35.05680478271, 33.590430021286 35.039940751942, 33.562964200974 35.059615115977, 33.528631925583 35.079284740187, 33.483999967575 35.05680478271, 33.490866422653 35.028696130576, 33.470267057419 35.009014320626, 33.453100919724 35.028696130576, 33.463400602341 35.048373202554, 33.470267057419 35.079284740187, 33.459967374802 35.115801463238, 33.439368009567 35.152301827168, 33.408468961716 35.183173967414, 33.367270231247 35.191591607714, 33.350104093552 35.169142629339, 33.315771818161 35.169142629339, 33.260840177536 35.166336071118, 33.212774991989 35.183173967414, 33.17157626152 35.197202883463, 33.123511075974 35.183173967414, 33.109778165817 35.163529416036, 33.065146207809 35.174755455185, 33.020514249802 35.163529416036, 32.986181974411 35.129842001149, 32.955282926559 35.110184570453, 32.920950651169 35.110184570453, 32.876318693161 35.110184570453, 32.845419645309 35.088274989425, 32.804220914841 35.102320270113, 32.783621549606 35.127595677724, 32.766455411911 35.124787686311, 32.749289274216 35.144441592995, 32.718390226364 35.144441592995, 32.711523771286 35.178122964702, 32.684945762157 35.178815742328, 32.670354545116 35.185830879309, 32.650613486767 35.190741114911, 32.633447349072 35.187233834044, 32.623147666454 35.190039670848, 32.605123221874 35.178114195328, 32.588815391064 35.175307946781, 32.578515708447 35.168993533369, 32.565641105175 35.164783651996, 32.554483115673 35.176009517999, 32.549333274364 35.169695159076, 32.541608512402 35.159871848285, 32.536458671093 35.154257995133, 32.526158988476 35.140923541381, 32.517575919628 35.132500655445, 32.51242607832 35.121970822659, 32.501268088818 35.108631080196, 32.49268501997 35.094586886754, 32.481527030468 35.08124266206, 32.473802268505 35.066491242266, 32.453202903271 35.055250275573, 32.433461844921 35.04892655169, 32.412004172802 35.041196890901, 32.399987876415 35.038385923827, 32.383680045605 35.040494158199, 32.354497611523 35.048223885478, 32.340764701366 35.057358074719, 32.332181632519 35.067193751294, 32.318448722363 35.072111145189, 32.304715812206 35.086159209376, 32.296132743359 35.098098161944, 32.288407981396 35.103013693167, 32.277249991894 35.097395919003, 32.270383536816 35.086861549088, 32.267808616161 35.073516060455, 32.272100150585 35.052439792076, 32.294864058495 35.010508195535, 32.305163741112 34.990822008242, 32.31031358242 34.971131085254, 32.305163741112 34.958470134576, 32.31203019619 34.940178641091, 32.329196333885 34.921883066912, 32.322329878807 34.906399009874, 32.319426387548 34.902030394034, 32.32157215476 34.893934862191, 32.326721996069 34.88759867203, 32.332730144262 34.881614043769, 32.340025752783 34.875628979697, 32.344317287207 34.866474509397, 32.347321361303 34.858023324495, 32.352900356054 34.855910392587, 32.356762737036 34.858727623071, 32.363200038672 34.856614709253, 32.367319911718 34.853938273843, 32.368607372046 34.849359958793, 32.373757213354 34.849359958793, 32.378907054663 34.848303388374, 32.384486049414 34.844429180771, 32.388348430395 34.839145876486, 32.390494197607 34.83174868078, 32.386202663183 34.824703114607, 32.391352504492 34.819066227681, 32.395644038916 34.809905463736, 32.395214885473 34.798629279228, 32.393927425146 34.790523568813, 32.400879710913 34.780866160744, 32.403025478125 34.774521262696, 32.42017686367 34.742088572823, 32.49399125576 34.711049863298, 32.542056441307 34.706816409096, 32.583255171776 34.681411134461, 32.63990342617 34.657410104523, 32.708567976952 34.646113096302, 32.770366072655 34.64893749269, 32.813281416893 34.66588185028, 32.857913374901 34.672940976758, 32.881945967674 34.651761792859, 32.921428084373 34.630577196398, 32.919711470604 34.603735606545, 32.936877608299 34.582538747217, 32.926577925682 34.569818035871, 32.938594222069 34.568404503345, 32.981509566307 34.572645028834, 33.003825545311 34.572645028834, 33.033007979393 34.564163761592, 33.024424910545 34.582538747217, 33.015841841698 34.600909671129, 32.998675704002 34.63340212193, 33.022708296776 34.654585996804, 33.053607344627 34.671529199585, 33.098239302635 34.694114746583, 33.146304488182 34.705405209548, 33.18921983242 34.709638735971, 33.257884383202 34.705405209548, 33.287066817284 34.720927080471, 33.319682478905 34.723748925827, 33.357447981834 34.732213883997, 33.371180891991 34.735035344074, 33.439845442772 34.763244646193, 33.48447740078 34.780165602215, 33.52052628994 34.794263748336, 33.554858565331 34.809768925417, 33.582324385643 34.828089465084, 33.596057295799 34.81963433767, 33.611506819725 34.829498568599, 33.621806502342 34.856266953653, 33.640689253807 34.871760460113, 33.638972640038 34.890067204216, 33.632106184959 34.918223462477, 33.647555708885 34.944962964259, 33.647555708885 34.944962964259, 33.674230277538 34.965688874673, 33.692254722118 34.973425673117, 33.710279166698 34.97975523742, 33.740319907665 34.97975523742, 33.760060966015 34.980458492145, 33.790960013866 34.9762388732, 33.819284141064 34.967095619647, 33.839883506298 34.955137517484, 33.861341178417 34.945991909055, 33.881082236767 34.945991909055, 33.899964988232 34.955137517484, 33.903398215771 34.968502340468, 33.918847739697 34.980458492145, 33.935155570507 34.98327145065, 33.955754935741 34.986084312517, 33.972062766552 34.989600253949, 33.992662131786 34.986084312517, 34.012403190136 34.98327145065, 34.021844565868 34.977645437007, 34.046735465527 34.968502340468, 34.062184989452 34.961468494826, 34.07248467207 34.959358223387, 34.075917899609 34.964282105544, 34.079351127148 34.960061653238, 34.084500968456 34.953027083023, 34.08879250288 34.957247897606, 34.086217582226 34.963578711922, 34.080209434032 34.964282105544, 34.076776206493 34.976942158123, 34.07248467207 34.98327145065, 34.075059592724 34.988193895497, 34.066476523876 34.996631683782, 34.054460227489 35.010692731131, 34.040727317333 35.028968479532, 34.025277793407 35.042321250653, 34.012403190136 35.054969231576, 33.99867027998 35.061995041316))
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