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Κατάλογος Conference Papers

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AA Year Title
1 1973 Hadjichristodoulou, A., and Della. Athena.1973. Increase and improvement of protein content of cereals and legumes in Cyprus. Nuclear Techniques JOI- Seed Protein Improvement, STI/PUB/320, pp. 163-179.1AEA, Vienna, Austria.
2 1973 Serghiou, C.S., Zyngas, J., and Krambias. A. 1973. Preliminary studies of Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capicata (Wied.), populations in Cyprus. Computer Models and Application of the Sterile-Male Technique. Proceedings, pp. 165-176. IAEA. Vienna, Austria.
3 1974 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1974. Breeding barley for drought tolerance. Proceedings of the first FAO/SIDA seminar on improvement and production of field food crops for plant scientists from Africa and Near East. Cairo, Egypt, 1-20 September, 1973.
4 1974 Hadjichristodoulou, A., Della, Athena, Josephides, C.M., Daniel, L. 1974. Cyprus country report and programme. Proceedings of the Fourth FAO/Rockefeller Foundation Wheat Seminar, FAO, Rome. pp. 56-61.
5 1974 Poulovasilis, A., Krentos, V.D., Stylianou. Y., and Metochis, Chr. 1974. Soil water properties of a layered soil determined in situ. In Isotope and Radiation Techniques in Soil Physics and Irrigation Studies, 1973. Proceedings of an IAEA/FAO Symposium. Vienna. Austria, 1-5 October, 1973.
6 1974 Samios, Th. 1974. Development of agronomic practices under unfavourable dryland conditions. Proceedings of the first FAO/SIDA seminar on improvement and production of field food crops for plant scientist from Africa and the Near East. Cairo, Egypt, 1-20 September, 1973.
7 1975 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1975. Durum wheat in Cyprus. Proceedings of Third Regional Wheat Workshop, Tunis, April 28-May 2, 1975.pp.321-326.
8 1975 Serghiou, C.S. 1975. The sterile-male technique for control of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wied., in the Mediterranean basin. FAOIIAEA Symposium on the Sterility Principle for Insect Control, pp. 11-Innsbruck, Sweeden, 22-26 July, 1974.
9 1975 Serghiou, CS., and Baylock, J.W. 1975. Suppression of the Mediterranean fruit fly or Medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Vied.), in a semi isolated area in Cyprus by the use of the sterile-insect technique. lAEA Panel on Fruit Flies, pp. 111-116. Vienna, Austria, 12-16 November, 1973.
10 1976 Della, Athena, and Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1976. Genetic variability in uptake of nitrogen at various growth stages of barley and wheat under dryland conditions. Evaluation of Seed Protein Alterations by Mutation Breeding, pp.85-93 Vienna, Austria.
11 1977 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1977. Aspects of improving practices to maximize barley yields in the region. Proceedings of Fourth Regional Winter Cereal Workshop-Barley, Vol.II ICARDA/CIMMYT. pp. 233-241.
12 1978 Hadjichristodoulou, A., and Della, Athena.1978. Induced micromutations in barley for protein content and quality. Seed Protein Improvement by Nuclear Techniques IAEA STI, pp. 145-156. Vienna, Austria.
13 1978 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1978. Improved field techniques for screening cereal protein lines. Technology for Increasings Food Production. Proceedings of the Second FAO/SIDA Seminar on Field Food Crops in Africa and the Near East, Lahore, Pakistan. pp. 306-309.
14 1978 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1978. Breeding barley for forage production. Technology for Increasing Food Production. Proceedings of the Second FAO/SIDA Seminar on Field Food crops in Africa and the Near East, Lahoe, Pakistan.pp.426-429.
15 1981 Economides. S., and Louca, A. 1981. The effects of the quantity and quality of feed on the performance of pregnant and lactating goats. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nutrition and Systems of Goat Feeding. (P. Morand-Fehr, A. Bourbouze and M. de Simiane, eds), pp. 319-326.
16 1982 Della, Athena. 1982. Vicia faba L. in Cyprus. Proceedings of the International Faba Bean Conference, pp. 83-88. Cairo, Egypt, 7-11March, 1981.
17 1982 Economides, S. 1982. A study of the calcium metabolism of dairy sheep using radioisotope and balance techniques. The Use of Isotopes to Detect Moderate Mineral Imbalances in Farm Animals. Technical Document IAEATECDOC-Vienna, Austria.
18 1982 Economides, S., Papachristoforou, Chr., and Louca, A. 1982. The effects of milk and solid feed intake on the pre- and post-weaning growth of kids, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, p. 493. Tucson, Arizona, 10-15January, 1982.
19 1982 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1982. Aspects of barley breeding for dry Mediterranean regions. Proceedings of the Fourth International Barley Genetics Symposium, pp. 383-388. Edinburgh, Great Britain, 1981.
20 1982 Hadjichristodoulou, A, and Della, Athena.1982. Evaluation of barley mutant lines in dry areas in Cyprus. Induced Mutants for Cereal Grain Protein Improvement, pp. 7-18. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
21 1982 Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1982. The effect of adding sodium bicarbonate to the diet on milk yield and milk composition of Damascus goats, and on rumen fermentation pattern of kids given high concentrate diets. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, p. 494. Tucson, Arizona, 10-15 January, 1982.
22 1982 Hadjipanayiotou, M., Antoniou, T., and Louca, A. 1982. In vitro digestion of mixtures of concentrate and hay using inocula from sheep and goats. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, p. 307. Tucson, Arizona, 10-15 January, 1982.
23 1982 Louca, A, Antoniou, T., and Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1982. Comparative digestibility of feedstuffs by various ruminants, specifically goats. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, pp. 122-132. Tuscon, Arizona, 10-15 January, 1982.
24 1982 Mavrogenis, A.P., Constantinou, A., and Louca, A. 1982. Environmental and genetic influences of growth traits of the Damascus goat. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Goat Production and Disease, p. 546. Tucson, Arizona, 10-15 January, 1982.
25 1982 Stylianou, Y., Metochis, Chr. 1982. Olive irrigation experiments in Cyprus. Proceedings of the international seminar on olive tree irrigation with brackish water. FAO, Tunis 19-22 October, 1982.
26 1983 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1983. Breeding wheat for semi-arid conditions through stability or plasticity of adaptive traits. Proceedings of the6th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, pp. 657-661. Kyoto, Japan, 1983.
27 1983 Hadjichristodoulou, A. 1983. Recent developments in durum wheat improvement in Cyprus. Proceedings of Workshop on Breeding Methodologies in Durum Wheat and Triticale (E. Porceddu, ed). Viterbo, Italy, 7-19 November, 1983.
28 1983 Orphanos, P.I., and Metochis, Chr. 1983. Responses of wheat and barley to nitrogen and phosphorus under semiarid conditions. Proceedings 6th International Scientific Conference, Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Karl Marx University, Leipzig. Germany.
29 1984 Orphanos, P.I., and Metochis, Chr. 1984. The fertilizer (NP) and water requirements of barley in Cyprus. Proceedings of the Soils Directorate/ICARDA Workshop on Fertiliz.er Use in the Dry Areas. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. 26-29 March, 1984.
30 1985 Orphanides, G.M. 1985. Insect pests of olives in Cyprus. Proceedings of a joint meeting on Integrated pest control in olive groves. (R. Cavalloro and A. Crovetti, eds). Piza, Italy, 3-6 April, 1985.
31 1985 Papadopoulos. I., and Stylianou, Y. 1985. Ongoing research on the use of treated sewage effluent for irrigating industrial and fodder crops. Proceedings of FAO Regional Seminar on the Use of Sewage Effluent for Irrigation. Nicosia. Cyprus. 7-9 October, 1985.
32 1986 Economides, S. 1986. Mineral requirements of dairy sheep. Nuclear and Related Techniques in Animal Production and Health. pp.547-557. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
33 1986 Orphanos, P.I. 1986. Potassium levels in Cypriot soils, K-fertilizer use, experimentation with K-fertilizers, and interaction of nitrogen and potassium. Proceedings of Potassium Symposium. Athens, Greece.
34 1987 Economides, S., and Hadjipanayiotou. M. 1987. Utilization of by-products in ruminant diets in Cyprus. Isotope aided studies on non protein nitrogen and agro-industrial by products utilization by ruminants, pp. 115-127. IAEA, Vienna, Austria.
35 1987 Economides, S., and Louca, A. 1987. Flock management in intensive goat systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Goats. Vol. 2, pp. 867-883, Brasilia. Brazil, 8-13March, 1987.
36 1987 Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1987. Intensive feeding systems for goats in the Near East. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Goats, Vol. 2, pp.1109-1141. Brazilia, Brazil.8-13 March, 1987.
37 1987 Photiades, I. 1987. Mechanization of field experiments in Cyprus. Proceedings o/the IAMFE/ICARDA Conference 011 Mechanization of Field Experiments in Semiarid Areas. Aleppo, Syria, 23-27 May, 1987.28
38 1988 Eliades, G. 1988. Irrigation of Cardinal grapes. Proceedings of the Workshop on Conservation and Developments of Natural Recourses in Cyprus – Case Studies Soils – Ground watter in Mineral Resources, pp. 102-110 (S.L. Zomenis, H. Luken. and G. Grivas, eds). Nicosia, Cyprus, 13-18 October.1986.
39 1988 Hadjiehristodoulou, A. 1988. Breeding strategies for consistency of performance in unstable arid environments. Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, pp. 1081-1086. Cambridge. England.14-19July. 1989.
40 1988 Hadjipanayiotou, M. 1988. Meat production from goats in semi-intensive systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Small Ruminant Research and Development in the Near East, pp.101-110. Cairo. Egypt. 2-4 November. 1988.
41 1988 Hadjipanayiolou, M. 1988. Feed evaluation, nitrogen requirements and the effect of supplementary feeding in the performance of small ruminants in Cyprus. Proceedings of the Final Research Co-ordination Meeting on Optimizing Grazing Animal Productivity in the Mediterranean and North African Region with the Aid of Nuclear Techniques. pp. 319-334.FAO/IAEA. Vienna. Austria.
42 1988 Josephides, C.M. 1988. Early generation selection for quality and grain yield improvement in Triticum turgidum L. var. durum breeding programme. Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Genetics Symposium, pp. 1115-1118. Cambridge, England. 13-19July,1988.
43 1988 Mavrogenis, A.P. 1988. Genetic improvement of sheep in Cyprus by selection and/or cross breeding. In Increasing Small Ruminant Productivity in Semi-arid Areas. pp. 189-195. (E.F. Thompson and F.S. Thompson. eds). ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria.
44 1988 Mavrogenis, A.P. 1988. Control of the reproductive performance of Chios sheep and Damascus goats. Studies using hormone radioimmunoassays. Proceedings of the Final Research Coordination Meeting on Optimizing Crazing Animal Productivity in the Mediterranean and North African Region with the Aid of New Techniques, pp. 151-172. FAO/IAEA, Vienna. Austria.
45 1988 Orphanos, P.I., Metochis, Chr. 1988. Nitrogen responses of barley and barley forage grown continually or after fallow. Proceedings of the3rd regional workshop on soil test calibration in West Asia and North Africa. ICARDA, Amman, 3-9 September.
46 1988 Papadopoulos, I. 1988. Effects of treated urban effluent 011 soil salinity, sodicity and fertility. In Treatment and Use of Wastewater. Split, Yugoslavia, 25-27 November. 1987.
47 1988 Papadopoulos, I., and Stylianou. Y. 1988.Secondarily treated urban effluent as a source of N for trickle-irrigated cotton, sunflower and sudax. Proceedings of the 4th International CIEC Symposium on Agricultural Waste Management and Environmental Protection, pp. 415-419. (E. Welte and I. Szaboles, eds). Braunschweigh, F.R.G. 11-14 May, 1987.
48 1988 Papastylianou, I. 1988. The role of legumes in agricultural production in Cyprus. Proceedings of the ICARDAJUNDP workshop on Biological Nitrogen Fixation by Legumes in Mediterranean- type Agriculture, pp. 55-63Aleppo, Syria, 1986.
49 1988 Papastylianou, I. 1988. Efforts and limitations of adopting the medic cropping system in Cyprus. Report at the Experts Consultation on Annual Medic Pasture in North Africa and the Near East. Tunis, Tunisia. 23-26 March, 1988.
50 1988 Papastylianou, I. 1988. Importance of legumes and constraints to their expanding cultivation in Cyprus and countries of the West Asian and North African Region. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of Legumes in the Farming Systems of the Mediterranean Areas. Tunis, Tunisia, 20-24 June. 1988.

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