Natura2000 sites
Dataset Evaluation
The links include information on the Cyprus Natura2000 sites (SPAs, SCIs, SACs), under Article 4 of Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitats Directive) and the Birds Directive.
- SPAs - Special Protection Areas (Birds Directive)
- SCIs - Sites of Community Importance (Habitats Directive)
- SACs - Special Areas of Conservation (Habitats Directive)
Link 1 - Natura 2000 Network - EIONET Central Data Repository - includes the official data submitted to the EU on an annual basis (provided there are changes to the network). Submitted data includes the following files: Map of Natura2000 sites (shapefile), Explanatory notes on changes (pdf) and a List of Natura sites (xml).
Link 2 - Info on Natura 2000 Network - Department of Environment website - includes a constantly updated table with the list of Natura2000 sites and their relevant Standard Data Forms (SDFs), Decrees, Management plans & protection measures.
Field | Value |
Organization | Τμήμα Περιβάλλοντος |
Modified |
Release Date |
Frequency |
Identified |
Spatial |
POLYGON ((31.168828 33.959119, 31.168828 36.099973, 35.005038 36.099973, 35.005038 33.959119, 31.168828 33.959119))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location |
Temporal Coverage |
Language |
English (United Kingdom)
License | |
Contact Name |
Maria Zomeni
Contact email |
Public Access Level |
Number of Views